En ella podéis consultar, los montajes, la historia del grupo, las giras.
Podeís ver fotos de los montajes y bueno, un montón de enlaces intesantísimos de este grupo que creó un estilo novedoso de expresión escénica en los años 60 y 70.

montaje paradise now circa 1968
cartel de "No en mi nombre"
montaje "en las calles" Génova
To call into question
who we are to each other in the social environment of the theater,
to undo the knots
that lead to misery,
to spread ourselves
across the public's table
like platters at a banquet,
to set ourselves in motion
like a vortex that pulls the
spectator into action,
to fire the body's secret engines,
to pass through the prism
and come out a rainbow,
to insist that what happens in the jails matters,
to cry "Not in my name!"
at the hour of execution,
to move from the theater to the street and from the street to the theater.
This is what The Living Theatre does today.
It is what it has always done
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